Interactive Device Driver

Randall Hake rhake at
Mon Sep 10 03:07:30 AEST 1990

In article <DOUGW.90Sep7134703 at> dougw at (Doug Worthington) writes:
>	I am porting a device driver from SCO Xenix 2.3 to Interactive Unix 
>2.0.2.  I am reading the Integrated Software Development Guide and it refers to
>a device driver reference manual.  Does this manual exist?  It is a section in
>another manual or is it seperate?  I can't find it in my set of docs.

The "AT&T UNIX (R) V3.2 Integrated Software Development Guide"
makes reference to another manual called "The UNIX System V/386
Release 3, Block and Character Interface, Device Driver Reference Manual,"
Select Code 307-192, September 1987.

Hope this helps.

                                             Randy Hake
                                             rhake at well

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