Protecting against downloads

Matthew Farwell dylan at
Sat Sep 15 20:56:49 AEST 1990

In article <epeterso.653316195 at houligan> epeterson at writes:
>mju at (Marc Unangst) writes:
>Aha!  I see your point.  An even less healthy idea than before.
>However, if you were willing to take the time to do it, perhaps you
>could set up a branch of your file system to be a limited subset of
>your primary file system, with hard links from the subsystem into the
>main system for programs that users would need access to (sh, csh, cc,
>etc.).  If you also linked in /etc/passwd, /etc/group, and so forth,
>you'd be set to present a limited subset of your main hierarchy.
>There's only two things wrong with doing this -- (1) it may take more
>time and effort than it's worth, and (2) it still doesn't solve the
>original problem.

Actually 2+1/2. Don't link /etc/passwd to <chroot dir>/etc/passwd.  Maintain
a separate copy of the passwd file in the chroot dir, with passwds
starred out.  Its easy enuf to do.  Just have a script something like:-

awk -F: '{ OFS=":" ; print $1,"*",$3,$4,$5,$6,$7 }' /etc/passwd > whatever

(forgive me if my awk isn't up to scratch)

Only problem I can see with this approach is that the user can't
(easily) change his/her/its password.  All depends on the time + effort
you want to put into security.

Matthew J Farwell                 | Email: dylan at
The IBM PC User Group, PO Box 360,|        dylan%ibmpcug.CO.UK at ukc
Harrow HA1 4LQ England            |        ...!uunet!ukc!!dylan
Phone: +44 81-863-1191            | Sun? Don't they make coffee machines?

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