Need help with X Window

Robert Terry terry at tcville.HAC.COM
Tue Sep 25 05:05:11 AEST 1990

I am posting this messages here since I wasn't able to get any reply
directly from the persons on this unix sys v news group.

I am attemping to set the X11-Window up and running on my machine. Currently,
two client machines are able to use the X11-Window without any problem. I
have a problem with the console. 

Error message when executing xinit on the console:

"Unable to open X Streams Device: No such file or directory
 Fatal server error: X device open failed"

Machine configuration:
AST Premium 486/25, 16MB memory, ISC Unix 2.0.2. 
Console: NEC's MultiSync 3D using Paradise VGA Professional Card
Interactive's X11 Window system ver. 2.0 (Installed package said ver. 2.0 while
on the install diskettes said ver. 1.0.6)

Anyone could tell me what I did wrong? What actions I should do next?

					Truly appreciated,

					Robert Terry

Please either reply here or send directly to my dependable mail station:

	email: terry at

Hughes Aircraft Company         ======= Please Use This Email Address ======
Software Applications Section   >>>>>>>>>  terry at   <<<<<<<<<
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