vpix under x11r4 under 386/ix 2.02

Gary Blumenstein garyb at gallium.UUCP
Fri Sep 21 23:33:02 AEST 1990

In article <1990Sep19.070953.815 at coyote.uucp> ejm at coyote.UUCP (E.J. McKernan) writes:
>I am running a 386 clone with 8M RAM and ISC 2.0.2. We also have
>Tom Roell's X11R4 IBM vga server online. My question is: How
>does one or has anyone got vpix to work in an xterm window?
>Does ISC X11 support vpix in an xterm window?

I beleive the emulation must support scan codes in order to run VP/ix.
That's why ISC supplies xpcterm.  I use it here and it works fine under
ISC's Xvga and Xv256 servers for X11R3.  Century Software's xterm replacement 
probably does the same however, I'm not whether either of these run under 
Tom Roell's X11R4 server.  Anyone want to comment?

Gary M. Blumenstein
garyb at gallium

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