486, ISA bus & Unix/386

Ti Kan ti at altos86.Altos.COM
Fri Sep 14 09:56:48 AEST 1990

In article <742 at csource.oz.au> david at csource.oz.au writes:
>Is anyone currently running SCO or Interactive Unix (or any other 386 Unix
>for that matter) on a 486 box?
>In particular, I need any information about experiences with:
>  a) ISA bus technology, running a 386 Unix (which ones currently
>     support ISA?)
> ...
>We've set up equivalent systems using 386 boxes with an AT-compatible bus,

I think by ISA you mean EISA?
ISA:  Industry Standard Architecture (i.e. IBM AT 16-bit bus)
EISA: Extended ISA (32-bit)

Obviously both SCO and ISC UNIX supports the ISA bus, and since
the 486 on a AT-clone platform appears essentially identical to the
386, they should work.  Now, although the EISA bus is a functional
superset of the ISA bus, there are a lot of features and performance
gains that will not be available to you unless you are running true
EISA expansion cards and an OS designed to take advantage of the
EISA-specific features.  At present, neither SCO nor ISC has any
special support for EISA other than in "ISA-compatible" mode.

I believe currently Altos UNIX is the only 386/486 UNIX specifically
adapted to EISA, but they are supported only on the Altos line of
486 EISA boxes.

Ti Kan | vorsprung durch technik!                                       \\\
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