Michael J. Hammel mjhammel at
Wed Feb 20 08:38:41 AEST 1991

In article <15297 at>, mjhammel at (Michael J.
Hammel) writes:
> The point is that if the reseller of the product does not have the
> resources to retest what was delivered by the original developer then
> the reseller isn't going to do so.  Why can't the reseller expect that
> the original developer had fully tested the original product?  The
> reseller should only have to be responsible for what the reseller
> modifies (and anything that might get broke because of those
> modifications).  However, if the reseller wishes to save face, it will
> make every attempt to fix things that it didn't break anyway.  :-)

[ rest of previous post deleted ]

Just thought I'd better add that my last posting was not in defense of
ISC (or anyone else for that matter) shipping broken code.  It was just
generalization on the problems of large scale software development projects.  

Michael J. Hammel        | mjhammel@{Kepler|socrates}
Dell Computer Corp.      | {73377.3467|76424.3024}
#include <disclaim/std>  | zzham at ttuvm1.bitnet | uunet!uudell!feynman!mjhammel
#define CUTESAYING "Lead, follow, or get the hell out of the way."

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