Unix/Novell interface

Petri Alhola petri at digiw.UUCP
Tue Jan 15 01:52:53 AEST 1991

In article <575 at fciva.FRANKLIN.COM> dag at fciva.UUCP (Daniel A. Graifer) writes:
>It seems to me there is some confusion about what is meant by "Unix/Novell
>	"Give me unix software to make my Unix host look like a Novell
>	 server to my PCs".  This is Portable Netware.
>	One that has no solution is "Give me a way to make my NFS server look
>	like a Novell Server to my Novell client PCs".  Don't laugh; This is
>	what a GatorBox with GatorShare does for Apple FileShare/NFS.
	Interactive Ported Netware allows you to mount NetWare server
 	with NFS to other NFS servers, and you can also mount
	NFS servers to ported NetWare server. The NFS is stantard feature
	of Interactive Architech Network and workstation packages.
	In our office we have many UNIX NFS servers, and one Ported
	netware server and this configuration works finely.

>How much are various vendors, especially Interactive, charging for their
>Portable Netware ports?  My hardware/OS vendor (Prime Computer) has done
>some work to provide terminal emulation to the PCs as part of the package,
>and is charging _alot_ for it.

 	There is NVT ( Netware Virtual Terminal ) terminal emulator
	supprot in product without extra cost . It supports any
	DOS terminal emulator that supports INT 14 interface. I have tried
	public domain 	MSKERMIT and commerical product called Reflections. 
	If somebody have information about Windows 3 based terminal
	emulators that supports NVT i am wery intrested.
	With NVT you can connect to UNIX server, and from UNIX server you can
	use telnet or rlogin to access other TCP/IP hosts.

 	Petri Alhola
	petri at digiw.fi

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