Thinking about buying UNIX for home, be careful w/ Dell

-Jeff Ellis jde at everex.uucp
Fri Jun 14 01:46:11 AEST 1991

In article <1991Jun11.123605.12138 at> jca at (John C. Archambeau) writes:
>If you bought Dell's SysV/386 R4, I'm not the least bit surprised that you got
>it on tape.  If you were to buy it on disks, you would end up with a wooden
>pallet full of disks.  There's a reason that SysV R4 isn't distributed on
>disks, and that's because it is huge.  The only vendor to my knowledge that
>is distributing their SysV R4 on disk is UHC and you get a lot of disks, on
>the order of 50 if I'm not mistaken for the complete system.

Esix 4.0.3 Rev A is shipped on 5.25", 3.5" or 60 meg tapes. It is a lot
of disks for the systems but some people can buy if they had to add the price
of a tape drive to the price of 4.0.

Jeff Ellis		ESIX SYSTEM/V  
                        Internet: everex!jde%zardoz.uucp at

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