Mach from mt Xinu
Ed Benyukhis
benyukhi at motcid.UUCP
Sat Mar 2 03:49:07 AEST 1991
In article <1991Feb28.201150.18587 at mtxinu.COM>, jon at mtxinu.COM (jon hale) writes:
> In article <3312 at sixhub.UUCP> davidsen at sixhub.UUCP (bill davidsen) writes:
> >
> That was my fault and I am sorry. We introduced our product at the
> January Uniforum/Usenix. I actually made the posting on the 11th, but because
> comp.newprod is a moderated newsgroup, it didn't get out to the net until
> the 25th.
> If I had realized that it would take so long to get out I would
> not have mentioned the introductory price. Instead I would just have mentioned
> that anybody can get a 10% discount by including payment with their order.
> Again, I apoligize.
Extend the introductory price offer if it is YOUR FAULT instead of
> > Also not that for $500/year they will give you the same support
> >(dial-in uucp fixes) that SCO offers for free.
> Well, you can try dialing SCO, but I doubt if their fixes will work
> on our system :^) .
They will not ... But this is a competitive environment, which is
what Bill meant to say by his comment. If you plan to compete
with SCO, ISC, and ESIX, you better shape up and attempt to provide
similar level(s) of service.
> >... Unless mt xinu has stopped using humans as
> >programmers there will be bugs in the first release which need fixing,
> Things have been looking up ever since we started going with the chimpanzees
> instead.
This is an unacceptible remark. And if you think that your level of
expertise is higher than other vendors, you are in for a big surprise.
You are acting like the product is being given away .... Well, it is not,
and it costs big $$$$$.
> >and I get the impression that unless you pay you get no support
> >whatever.
> You do get 30 day installation support.
Is this from the time I receive the installation media or from
the time it is postmarked??? What happens if I do not
attempt to install it within first 30 days??? Doe this support lapse??
You have got to be kidding !!!!!!
> >--
> >bill davidsen - davidsen at sixhub.uucp (uunet!crdgw1!sixhub!davidsen)
> - jon
> (jon at
Have fun with your marketing attempts. I do not think that I will
be buying it in the near future. Nor will I recommend this product
to anyone (unless it is distributed FREE of charge).
Edward Benyukhis, Motorola, CID.
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