2nd CFV and VOTE ACK: comp.apps hierarchy

Evan Leibovitch evan at telly.on.ca
Wed Mar 6 13:02:56 AEST 1991

[ The last day for this vote is scheduled to be 10 March.  --- tale ]

This is a second call for votes (and an acknowledgement of votes
received to date) regarding the creation of a new Usenet hierarchy
to deal with applications, and the first three groups to fill it:


All groups are to be unmoderated.


There have been considerable postings about the desire for a proper
place in the Usenet hierarchy in which to place newsgroups devoted to
specific application software packages.

That a certain software package is brain-dead or not cannot be the issue
at all. If there are enough Usenetters around who want to talk about it,
trade tips, and generally provide peer support, there should be a place
on Usenet to provide that forum. If brain-deadness was a criteria for
creating groups, then half of what's in comp.sys and comp.os shouldn't
exist :-). It could be easily argued that the most brain-dead programs
are the ones *most* in need of a Usenet forum!

My proposal is to provide the first groups, to demonstrate the desired
precedent of comp.apps.<category>.<productname>, as well as .misc groups
to take up the slack.

comp.apps.wp.wordperfect	To discuss the word processing products
				of WordPerfect Corporation.

comp.apps.wp.misc		To discuss other word processing software.

comp.apps.misc			To discuss applications not provided for
				elsewhere in the comp.apps hierarchy.

The first specific group proposed is for WordPerfect, because it's been
mentioned specifically in much of the discussions about applications
newsgroups, and because it just happens to be a popular product on both
MS-DOS and UNIX platforms. It's a good example of what should be in an
applications hierarchy.

If there are enough postings/supporters in the misc group(s) for another
product, then its supporters can hold a vote here, to create a new group
in the apps hierarchy using the same <category>.<productname> structure.


There has already been much discussion about the specific naming scheme
proposed above. This proposal is a combination of majority rule and
consensus among the many messages that were mailed and posted on the
subject during June and December 1990. The last Call for Discussion was
held Jan 14, and generated very little because it's all been discussed
to death already.


The three groups are to be voted on together. I am not interested in
seeing the comp.apps level created without an orderly way of putting
groups underneath it.

Please send your yes or no vote to

apps at telly.on.ca

Please say whether your vote is "yes" or "no" for the hierarchy, in the
subject line of your message. Votes mailed to be personally will be
included but votes which are posted will not be recognized.

Thank you.

Votes collected so far from:

<dlindsle at blackbird.afit.af.mil>
<eoshaugh at NMSU.Edu>
<mackeown at compsci.bristol.ac.uk>
<miron at cs.sfu.ca>
<rick at crick.ssctr.bcm.tmc.edu>
ARUSSELL at oavax.csuchico.edu
Angus.Fox at UK.Sun.COM (Angus Fox - Sun EHQ - SITKA)
Art Nicolaysen <art at wciu.edu>
Bill Sommerfeld <wesommer at ATHENA.MIT.EDU>
Bob Sloane <SLOANE at kuhub.cc.ukans.edu>
Brian Carlton <bdc at bdcsys.suvl.ca.us>
Conor O'Neill <conor at inmos.com>
Craig <bryden at freezer.acs.udel.edu>
Cyberpixie <durrell at umaxc.weeg.uiowa.edu>
David Aston <DYAEB%SLACVM.bitnet at ugw.utcs.utoronto.ca>
David Bedno <davidbe at sco.COM>
David James <vnend at Princeton.EDU>
David Neal Miller <dnmiller at magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu>
Dean W. Bettinger (315/443-1070) <dean at suvm.acs.syr.edu>
Ed McGuire <emcguire at cadfx.ccad.uiowa.edu>
Ethan Lish of THINC <thinc!ethan at uunet.uucp>
Evan James Torrie <torrie at Neon.Stanford.EDU>
Finlay <comqbjf at hatfield.ac.uk>
Gisle Hannemyr <gisle at ifi.uio.no>
Gregory R Weiss <grweiss at phoenix.Princeton.EDU>
J.D. Baldwin <baldwin at cad.usna.mil>
John Lacey <basho!john at cis.ohio-state.edu>
Jordan Brown <jbrown at prodnet.la.locus.com>
Kris Hampel <kris at sst.physics.imperial.ac.uk>
Marc Heijligers <rcbamhl at urc.tue.nl>
Marc Roussel <mroussel at alchemy.chem.utoronto.ca>
Mark Phaedrus <phaedrus at milton.u.washington.edu>
Matthias Urlichs <urlichs%smurf.sub.org at RELAY.CS.NET>
Rich Salz <rsalz at bbn.com>
Rob McMahon <cudcv at cu.warwick.ac.uk>
Roger Fulton <roger at wrq.com>
SOCQH at jetson.uh.edu
Stan Barber <sob at academ.com>
Stan Barber <sob at tmc.edu>
Steve Anderson <stevea at prodnet.la.locus.com>
Steve Elias <eli at PWS.BULL.COM>
Stewart Tansley <D.S.W.Tansley at stl.stc.co.uk>
Terry Poot <tp at mccall.com>
The Man Who Invented Himself <stewarte at sco.COM>
Tom Christiansen <tchrist at pixel.convex.com>
Tom Haapanen <tom at mims-iris.uwaterloo.ca>
Wilson Chan <W0CHAN01%ulkyvx.bitnet at ugw.utcs.utoronto.ca>
appel at scam.Berkeley.EDU (Shannon D. Appel)
barnyard!eric at uunet.uucp (Eric Bovell)
brehob at ecn.purdue.edu (Wayne's World)
cam at cogsys.uucp
cdr at brahms.AMD.COM (Carl Rigney)
cew at venera.isi.edu (Craig E. Ward)
cgy at cs.brown.edu (Curtis Yarvin)
claris!outpost!peirce at ames.arc.nasa.gov (Michael Peirce)
danno at eleazar.dartmouth.edu (Danno)
david at elroy.Jpl.Nasa.Gov (David Robinson)
ddj at zardoz.club.cc.cmu.edu (Doug DeJulio)
dgil at pa.reuter.com (Dave Gillett)
dnadler at ncrsoph.sophia.ncr.fr
drl at msc.edu (Dennis Lienke)
eao at mvucl.att.com (Eric A Olson)
edhew at xenitec.on.ca (Ed Hew)
elder at SCTC.COM (Alex Elder)
emv at ox.com (Ed Vielmetti)
eps at toaster.SFSU.EDU (Eric P. Scott)
face at Arizona.edu (Chris 'Face' Janton)
fitz at wang.com (Tom Fitzgerald)
fk at rci.dk (Flemming Kraglund)
fr at icdi10.COMPU.COM (Fred Rump from home)
frost at helix.nih.gov (James P. Goltz)
gibbsm at ll.mit.edu (Margaret D. Gibbs)
guido at cwi.nl
hendin at kepler.harvard.edu (Neil Hendin)
hpa at casbah.acns.nwu.edu (Peter Anvin)
hpbrown at physics.watstar.uwaterloo.ca
hrose at cs.bu.edu
jfg at caen.engin.umich.edu (Jon Grantham)
jreinert at informatik.uni-kl.de
jstuart at mcs.kent.edu
karl at robot.in-berlin.de (Karl-P. Huestegge)
kebera at alzabo.ocunix.on.ca (Krishna E. Bera)
ked01 at juts.ccc.amdahl.com (Kim DeVaughn)
kenney at hsi86.hsi.com (Brian Kenney)
kevinc at cs.athabascau.ca (Kevin Crocker)
kremer at cs.utwente.nl (Harro Kremer)
krezel at dtoa1.dt.navy.mil (Bob Krezel)
kris at tpki.toppoint.de (Kristian Koehntopp)
kstock at gouldfr.encore.fr (Kevin STOCK - MIS (Compta))
lmag at z.amu.se (Lars Magnusson - AMUZ (csh))
matth at progress.COM (Matthew J. Harper)
mcr at Sandelman.OCUnix.On.Ca (Michael Richardson)
mickey at unssun.nevada.edu (Dale Rogers)
mindlink!Rick_McCormack at van-bc.uucp (Rick McCormack)
mondy!mdm at rex.cs.tulane.edu (Michael D. Mondy)
msb at sq.com (Mark Brader)
mxmora at unix.sri.com (Matt Mora)
nelson at berlioz.nsc.com (Taed Nelson)
nominil!linimon at cs.utexas.edu (Mark Linimon)
npn at sirius.att.com
paulg at tplrd.tpl.oz.AU (Paul Gittings)
pegah at cps.msu.edu (Mahmoud Pegah)
peter at taronga.hackercorp.com (Peter da Silva)
pnessutt at dmshq.mn.org (Bob Monio)
raymond at math.berkeley.edu (Raymond Chen)
rk at theep.uucp (Robert A. Kukura)
saal at floyd.att.com (Sam Saal)
scs at adam.mit.edu (Steve Summit)
steen at kiku.dk (Steen Hammerum)
stu at valinor.uucp (Stuart L Labovitz)
swan at PWS.BULL.COM (Joel Swan)
tct!chip at uunet.uucp (Chip Salzenberg)
timr at gssc.gss.com (Tim Roberts)
tpfender at ucsd.edu
uflorida!rm1!bapat at gatech.uucp (Subodh Bapat)
uunet!consult!bob at uunet.uucp
uunet!nixbur!koerber.sin at uunet.uucp
vavra at s5000.RSVL.UNISYS.COM
wald at theory.lcs.mit.edu (David Wald)
wargaski at lex.ling.nwu.edu (Robert E. Wargaski Jr.)
wichers at husc9.harvard.edu (John Wichers)
wlb at progress.COM (Warren Bare)
Ed Tecot <momenta.ARPA!atari!com!tecot>
anton at analsyn.UUCP (Anton J Aylward)
chinacat.unicom.com!chip (Chip Rosenthal)
jmm at eci386 (John Macdonald)
 Evan Leibovitch, Sound Software, located in beautiful Brampton, Ontario
       evan at telly.on.ca / uunet!attcan!telly!evan / (416) 452-0504
           Vanilla Ice is a few cubes short of a full tray...

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