Can't access DOS driver c: on ESIX 5.3.2.D using SCSI Drive.

Thomas Hoberg tmh at
Mon Mar 25 09:54:58 AEST 1991

In article <152 at segpc.UUCP>, seg at segpc.UUCP (Scott E. Garfinkle) writes:
|> In article <1991Mar23.080102.3842 at netcom.COM> jypeng at netcom.COM (Jian Yuan Peng) writes:
|> >
|> >I got error when I tried to use drive c:. The error message was
|> >"Unknow physical format or not a DOS disk."
|> You don't say what version of DOS, or how large your DOS partition is.  If
|> the partition is > 32 mb, you're probably out of luck (with off the shelf
|> versions of mdir, etc.).  If the partition is <= 32 mb, you need a patch
|> from Esix.  Call them.
|> >Oh! One more question: I got 100MB on harddisk not yet assigned to UNIX or DOS.
|> >How can I assign this 100BM disk space into UNIX file systems(like mount it on
|> >/user3)?
|> You can't.
Shouldn't you be able to just create a Unix partition with FDISK (don't make
it active!) and access it via /dev/{r}dsk/0p3 if it were the third partition.
Naturally you'd have to do a 'mkfs' with the correct parms on it. I tried the
same thing on a 660MB SCSI drive that moved from 1st to 2nd (when I put a 1.2GB
drive online). Since the DOS space was not needed anymore I deleted the first
two partitions on the second drive (70MB) and tried to create a UNIX partition
instead. Unfortunately the UNIX FDISK screwed up on that one and I haven't 
bothered using the Norton Utilities yet.

For ISC's ears:
On a secondary SCSI drive, FDISK was started via 'fdisk /dev/rdsk/1p0'.
The partition table contained two empty slots, the third was filled with
an active UNIX partition, the fourth was empty again. There were about
70MB left on the device and I tried to create a (second) UNIX partition
intended to be mountable as some file system. I didn't let FDISK write the
changed boot block to the disk, because I didn't want it trashed, but from
what I could see, entry 1 was correct, entry 3 was replicated in entry 2 and
perhaps entry 4.

:-< tom
Thomas M. Hoberg   | UUCP: tmh at  or  tmh%gmdtub at tub.UUCP
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