Question SCO ODT V1.0 and Lanmanagers

Ton Damen ton at rwzl10.UUCP
Tue Mar 26 06:19:19 AEST 1991

I have posted this question several times and didn't get a answer
(except from Martin O'Nions; thanks). I am very interrested in a
response from SCO.

In our LAn we have several lanmanager servers (HP-lmx and 3com

I can't contact the HP-lmx servers at all. All other TCP-connections are
ok. I get the message server not responding.

I can contact the OS2-server, but it seems that ODT doesn't perform a
net login. I can only access the servers diskresources when i give the
guest-account acces to all server resources.

My question is simple:

Does ODT lanmanager client support any of these servers?

Ton Damen

Rijkswaterstaat directie Zeeland
afdeling informatiesystemen (AXI)
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The Netherlands
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