AST EightPort/XN

John C. Archambeau jca at
Mon May 20 08:16:05 AEST 1991

Yes, folks, you heard it here.  I managed to inherit an AST EightPort/XN.  It
comes with the SCO Xenix drivers, but nothing for ISC 2.0.2 or later.  Since
it's an intelligent board, I know that FAS won't work with it by a longshot
(or has FAS been modified to work with intelligent boards during my absence?).

I called the AST BBS, and there isn't a bloody thing for the 8-Port.  Any
ideas?  I know AST doesn't make anything other than a FourPort anymore since
that's all they had info on when I tried looking around their BBS for
information on this board.

Please e-mail since I don't know when I'll be able to check back in here.


     // JCA

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