SCSI hang

Ken Mitchum km at
Sun May 5 08:21:39 AEST 1991

In article <1991May4.151834.280 at unixland.uucp> bill at unixland.uucp (Bill Heiser) writes:
>This morning, my 386/25 machine (Adaptec 1542b, 3 scsi disks, 1 tape) 
>was hung, with the following message on the console:
>WARNING:  AHA:  mailbox-in not found

I don't know if this indicates that a mailbox can't be located, or
allocated, or there aren't enough available. If you simply need more
mailboxes, you may be able to increase the number allocated. I don't
know about Esix, but with ISC Unix this number is AHA_NUM_MBOX which
is defined in /usr/include/sys/aha1540.h.

 Ken Mitchum KY3B
 km at

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