Using MS-DOS with the UNIX* system ?

Shawn Blair shawn at
Sat May 11 05:18:51 AEST 1991

In article <1991May04.132518.15217 at> larry at (Larry Snyder) writes:
>grant at bluemoon.uucp (Grant DeLorean) writes:
>>don't get why so many people are anxious to slam WP, the company provides
>>good support free of charge (at least the UNIX division) and a product
>>that does what it is supposed to do and does it well. I won't even go
>>into the fact that the folks complaining probably bought one DOS license
>>and are complaining about it not supporting 10 users at once over a
>Single user WP for UNIX is the same price as single user WP DOS.  Support,
>as you mentioned is free.  I called about the "viewing printed pages
>under the print menu" not working, and I had a replacement copy of WP in
>my hands 4 days later.  I'm quite pleased with the Unix release of Word
I haven't used WP for unix as yet, but I've experienced their support on other
non-DOS platforms.  I have half a dozen Data General machines running various
versions of WP accross the country.  We have never had any problems getting
good support from WordPerfect on any type of equipment.  (The revs do drag
behind a bit though :( )  A particular revision may not be so super, but WP has
THE best support organization I've run accross. 


--      Shawn R. Blair   ~  shawn at                                    --
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