Lotus won't run on a 486 (was: out of swap space??)

WB3FFV howardl at wb3ffv.ampr.org
Tue May 7 13:33:08 AEST 1991

bill at bilver.uucp (Bill Vermillion) writes:
> And of course rule-of-thumb doesn't always apply.   
> These are from memory last week.
> Docs on the Lotus 123 for Unix/Xenix package say something like
> 4 Meg of Ram Required ( and then goes on to say more is better).

Well I am using the UNIX 1-2-3 here and my system has 12meg of main memory,
so I suppose that will keep lotus happy :-)

> And it want about 10 megs of swap, but would prefer 24 megs.
> In this instance,  the package seems to infer that anywhere from 3 to 6
> times your memory would be good - if you had minimum ram.  It indicates int
> he package that is needs a lot of swap space.

This almost seems crazy for a recomendation, I can have my system unbatching
news, moving mail, running 123, and a dozen other things and I have never 
seen my system use more than two or three meg of it's swap/paging area.  I
think 24meg of swap for lotus is nuts unless you have one big (meaning many
users) and heavly loaded machine.

> It also said it wouldn't run on a '486.  (Just threw that in - and
> wondering exactly how they wrote the code that will make it not work on a
> '486.  - argh!)

Well please do me a favor and tell my 80486 machine about this, as it has 
been running lotus fine since the day I installed it here.  They would 
really have to go through trouble to stop it from running on a 486 based
machine which would be bad business to begin with...

> -- 
> Bill Vermillion - UUCP: uunet!tarpit!bilver!bill
>                       : bill at bilver.UUCP

Internet  : howardl at wb3ffv.ampr.org	|	Howard D. Leadmon
UUCP      : wb3ffv!howardl		|	Advanced Business Solutions
TELEX     : 152252474     		|	210 E. Lombard St - Suite 410
FAX       : (301)-244-8790              |       Baltimore, MD 21202 
PACKET    : WB3FFV @ WB3FFV.MD.USA.NA   |       Phone: (301)-576-8635

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