AT&T SysV Rel 4.0 - SCSI Complaints

Brandon Brown brando at
Fri May 10 23:42:45 AEST 1991

gantzm at (gantzm) writes:

>        This is mainly directed to people who work for AT&T or
>have "AWESOME" knowledge about AT&T programmer & management types.
>I have purchased AT&T System V Release 4.0 (2.1) for use with
>SCSI drives.  Well guess what,, this system will only work with
>AT&T SCSI controllers and AT&T hard drives.  Does anybody know
>why this is??  My dealer has been spending much time on the phone
>with AT&T reps.  He has received two responses from AT&T:

Well at a site I do some consulting for, we were really pissed at this 
also. It seems that AT&T looks for the SCSI ident string on the drive, and
that is how it determines whether or not it is a supported device. This also
includes all SCSI tape drives too.  As for the fix, you might as well forget
it. It was obviously hardcoded so f**king AT&T could sell more of their own

I know, I can't believe it either. So much for "open systems".....

|  Brandon Brown                     | Internet: brando at    |
|  Coordinated Science Laboratory    | UUCP:	 uiucuxc!addamax!brando!brown |
|  University of Illinois            | CompuServe: 73040,447                  |
|  Urbana, IL  61801                 | GEnie:    macbrando                    |

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