SVR4: postio filter and /dev/lp---Does it work?

Richard Foulk richard at
Thu May 2 21:12:13 AEST 1991

>You can cat the file, pipe it through the proper filter (postprint, dpost,
>etc) and redirect it to /dev/lp - if you have a parallel setup.  I have
>a Postscript cartridge in a HP LaserJet II with a parallel connection -
>it works alright.  I do have to send ^D to the printer between jobs
>or else it prints blank pages.  I wrote a little script - I think it
>goes like the following ( it's at home and I'm here)
>echo \004 > /dev/lp0

Be sure you suppress the cr/lf on that echo or the printer will think
you've started a new job.  The control-D needs to be the very last
character of the job stream.

If you're using Adobe's to make up for the lack of a return
path for error reports this is important.  Incomplete jobs elicit a timeout
error from PostScript.

Richard Foulk		richard at

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