time(0L) - history of a misconception (was Re: SCO password generat

der Mouse der.Mouse at sunbrk.FidoNet.Org
Sun May 26 04:05:19 AEST 1991

In article <383 at tmcsys.UUCP>, lothar at tmcsys.UUCP (L. Hirschbiegel) writes:
> In article <1991May22.190908.5311 at virtech.uucp> cpcahil at virtech.uucp (Conor P. Cahill) writes:
>> The code you show won't work reliably on systems where the size of a
>> pointer is different from the size of an integer (for ex: large
>> model programs on an 8086 or 80286).

> This was posted to newsgroup "comp.UNIX.SYSV386", right??

It was *also* posted to comp.lang.c.

> Martin was referring to a "time" syscall argument mismatch under
> SCO-UNIX.  I pointed out, that it really makes no difference for the
> argument value itself.  I did NOT say this is a general rule-of-thumb
> for all kinds of cpus and all kinds of compilers?!?!

Then you should have removed comp.lang.c from the Newsgroups: line
before posting.

					der Mouse

			old: mcgill-vision!mouse
			new: mouse at larry.mcrcim.mcgill.edu

 * Origin: Seaeast - Fidonet<->Usenet Gateway - sunbrk (1:343/15.0)

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