DECwindows/NFS problem

Fletcher Kittredge fkittred at
Wed Aug 30 22:35:57 AEST 1989

In article <17839 at ut-emx.UUCP> robert at (Robert R. Schneider) writes:
>Has anyone been able to set things up so that a user's home directory is on
>an imported NFS file structure and they are able to login to the console
>device of either a DECstation-3100 or a VAXstation through the DECwindows
>interface?  I've tried this under Ultrix 3.0 and 3.1 on both machines and
>the logins fail.  With the home directory set to be on an imported NFS
>file structure I've been able to login through either LAT or TELNET to
>both machines with no problems.  The same login through DECwindows fails
>though.  If you've got this to work I'd appreciate any information you
>could provide.

I have had no problem doing this.  In fact, through the miracles of
X and NFS, I share the same home directory among Sun3, HP300, HP800, VAX
and MIPS (DEC) workstations.  Maybe it would be helpful if you could
provide a more exact description of your problem.

Fletcher E. Kittredge  fkittred at

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