UUCP through terminal server under ULTRIDate: 20 Jul 89 23:44:20 GMT

Mark J. Bailey root at mjbtn.MFEE.TN.US
Sun Aug 6 13:39:52 AEST 1989

In article <497 at rsmas.miami.edu>, grr at cbmvax.UUCP (George Robbins) writes:
> In article <1488 at ndmath.UUCP> milo at ndmath.UUCP (Greg Corson) writes:
> [stuff deleted]
> It is definitely possible to do incoming uucp thru a terminal server,
> or at least it was until 3.0 somehow or other screwed up raw mode
> handling in Land retries.
> Outgoing is more problematical, I would say that you should be
> able to do it with the new features for associating LLaround to implementing it yet.
> -- 
> George Robbins - now working for,	uucp: {uunet|pyramid|rutgers}!cbmvax!grr


I don't know about the rest of you, but I keep getting the above article
in my system over and over again, day after day.  I am sure this is an
unintentional quirk on some system, somewhere, but I had seen no other
complaints and got to wondering if I was the only one experiencing it.
The problem is that I am not sure what to do with it, or what would cause
the news software to keep generating them.

Any ideas?


Mark J. Bailey                                    "Ya'll com bak naw, ya hear!"
USMAIL: 511 Memorial Blvd., Murfreesboro, TN 37129 ___________________________
VOICE:  +1 615 893 0098                            |         JobSoft
UUCP:   ...!{ames,mit-eddie}!attctc!mjbtn!mjb      | Design & Development Co.
DOMAIN: mjb at mjbtn.MFEE.TN.US                       |  Murfreesboro, TN  USA

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