Looking for Benchmarks Between VAXstation 3100 and SUN 3/80

David C. White davew at gvgpsa.GVG.TEK.COM
Wed Jul 19 09:53:37 AEST 1989

Does anyone have any hard data comparing the VAXstation 3100 (running
Ultrix) against the SUN 3/80?  SUN is claiming the performance is the
same as the VAXstation 3100 but I don't have a 3/80 to compare against
our VAXstation.  If anyone has done any benchmarks between these two
systems I would appreciate any data you may have gathered.
David White	Grass Valley Group, Inc.   VOICE: +1 916.478.3052
P.O. Box 1114  	Grass Valley, CA  95945    FAX: +1 916.478.3778
Internet: davew at gvgpsa.gvg.tek.com     UUCP:  ...!tektronix!gvgpsa!davew

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