11/750 Ultrix install with only 6200 media kit

George Robbins grr at cbmvax.UUCP
Fri Jul 21 14:00:24 AEST 1989

In article <960 at anise.acc.com> pst at anise.acc.com (Paul Traina) writes:
> I'm in a pretty bizzare situation.  We've just purchased ultrix for our
> 6310, and I have a bunch of TK50's sitting in front of me.  Unfortunately,
> our evil MIS department still owns the 6310 and they're VMS people (ick!).
> I've got a spare 750 in one of my labs.  I'd like to drop Ultrix 3.0 on it,
> but it seems to have mutated away from 4.2bsd enough that I've got problems.

Ignoring all licensing issues, the main pain is that you have to get a
copy of the new ultrixboot stuff properly installed on the boot sector
of your disk or on a 750 console tape.  The 4.2/4.3 loader stuff doesn't
seem to work with ultrix since 2.0, though it's not obvious exactly why
this should be so.  Perhaps this new loader is derived from some VMS
software, it's surely slow enough.

I think you're screwed in this respect unless you can borrow some version
of the 750 boot/install stuff 2.0 or later to get started with.  If you
have the 4.3 source, you might be able to modify "boot" to do the job
if you can identify the problem - might just be load point/size...

Other than this, you can skip all the silly "install from console media"
stuff and manually restore files from the distribution.  You have to do
a little fudging here and there and also create this little configuration
file that the stuff in the install script passes to the later phases.
The contents are more or less obvious from the install scripts that
use the file.

I can understand the value of all the auto-config, auto-install and
setld stuff, but installing 1.2 on a "normal" VAX was so much easier
and quicker.

Also: "...as slow as setld on a 750" - those compressed images really
are really painful on the smaller machines.  I wonder how much is
really gained on mostly binary data?

George Robbins - now working for,	uucp: {uunet|pyramid|rutgers}!cbmvax!grr
but no way officially representing	arpa: cbmvax!grr at uunet.uu.net
Commodore, Engineering Department	fone: 215-431-9255 (only by moonlite)

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