dump on old 1.2 Ultrix...

David C. White davew at gvgpsa.GVG.TEK.COM
Sun Jul 30 17:39:10 AEST 1989

In article <412 at wuee1.wustl.edu> tjs at wuee1.wustl.edu.UUCP (tom sullivan) writes:
>my biggest complaint with 1.2 is the speed (or lack there of) of
>dumps. is there an optimal setting (density, lenght, blocking factor, etc.)
>to do dumps onto a TK50 drive. as it is, it takes over 6 hours to perform
>a level 0 dump of an 80 Meg partition.

I think you are out of luck.  If my memory serves me correctly, the
driver was rewritten to drive the TK50 in streaming mode in 2.0.
The driver in 1.X couldn't get data to the drive fast enough to
keep it going in streaming mode, so it runs in start/stop mode
which explains why it takes so long to do a small dump.  

It may be possible to grab the driver out of the 3.0 you seem to
imply that you have, but I haven't really looked into whether
this is possible or not.  Another possiblilty to to see if you
can find a way to get a 2.3 version if you really don't want the
3.0 features.
Dave White	Grass Valley Group, Inc.   VOICE: +1 916.478.3052
P.O. Box 1114  	Grass Valley, CA  95945    FAX: +1 916.478.3887
Internet: davew at gvgpsa.gvg.tek.com     UUCP:  ...!tektronix!gvgpsa!davew

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