uwm and DECwindows on DECstation 3100

John Dotts Hagan hagan at hagan.dccs.upenn.edu
Thu Jul 6 16:17:38 AEST 1989

In article <12635 at netnews.upenn.edu> hagan at hagan.dccs.upenn.edu (John Dotts Hagan) writes:
>I am about to lose my mind!  I hope someone has a fix for this...
>Does anyone know how to allow uwm to completely kill the Compose Character
>function and use the key as just a meta key?

Argh!  I let this mail out as it was!  Big mistake!

Please send any ideas for killing the compose character of doom to me at
Hagan at DCCS.UPENN.EDU - the previous message I sent has a bogus reply-to

I have a DECstation 3100, and its out of control...


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