Troff (finally) working on DECstations

Jeff Lo jlo at
Thu Jul 20 06:20:17 AEST 1989

In article <2742 at> abe at (Vic Abell) writes:
>There are at least two other fixes: 1) convert the troff code to read COFF
>format files directly (I did this once and it's not too hard); or 2) use the
>troff in DWB 2.0 where the font tables are no longer required in C compiler
>output format, but are simple text files.

Well, DWB 2.0 still uses binary format width tables, but they are not
in a.out format.  DWB comes with a table compiler called makedev, which
reads the ASCII format width table source and converts it into the
required binary format.  Also to use the DWB 2.0 troff, you have to get
DWB 2.0, which is unbundled from un*x.  You can either get it from AT&T
in source form (maybe 3B2 binaries too), or from a third party vendor.
If you're interested in a supported third party troff, call or send me mail.
Jeff Lo, Elan Computer Group, Inc.
jlo at, ..!{ames,uunet}!elan!jlo
888 Villa Street, Third Floor, Mountain View, CA 94041, 415-964-2200

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