Patches for building X11R3 on DECstation 3100's

Kurt L. Reisler klr at hadron.UUCP
Tue Jul 25 14:02:13 AEST 1989

In article <89Jul19.230955edt.30755 at> cks at (Chris Siebenmann) writes:
>  We've just got some DECstation 3100s, and for various reasons I'd
>like to run X11R3 instead of DECWindows (both server and clients,
>although I'll settle for just the clients). I seem to remember patches
>to enable one to do this floating around, although I forgot to save
>them and can't seem to find them on any of the X archive sites I
>looked on.

We are currently using the X  that came with the UWS 2.0 distribution
on our DS3100.  No problems.  You need to remember to create ttyv0 so
that you can do a startup via /etc/ttys, but that is documented and NBD
(even if I did forget about it for a while :-)  All the DECWindow
Clients work fine, with the exception of DECardfiler.

OBTW we use the X interface, isntead of DECWindows because we can not
use DECWindows on the VS200 we are still using (too much of a
performance hit), even though it would work fine on the RISC boxes.  We
require a standard interface for our users.

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