BI & CI in Ultrix land

David C. White davew at gvgpsa.GVG.TEK.COM
Fri Jul 21 14:47:27 AEST 1989

In article <1232 at> heins at (Leeland Heins) writes:
>In article <7373 at cbmvax.UUCP> grr at cbmvax.UUCP (George Robbins) writes:
>> and the DHU11 output speed
>>   is really limited to 9600 baud, with obvious consequences.
>   Hmmm...  is the DHU11 really limited to only 9600bps?  TMF says it will
>do 19,200, but not 38,400.  I haven't used one so I can't say if that is
>really right or not.

I can't speak about the DHU11 specifically, but I am running some
DHV11s and according to the manual and the config file file entry
entry, the DHV11 uses the DHU driver.  I run our Trailblazers as well
as a laser printer and a couple of in-circuit emulators at 19200
with no problems.

     dhv - DHV11 communications interface

     device dhu0 at uba0 csr 0160440 flags 0x?? vector dhurint

David White	Grass Valley Group, Inc.   VOICE: +1 916.478.3052
P.O. Box 1114  	Grass Valley, CA  95945    FAX: +1 916.478.3778
Internet: davew at     UUCP:  ...!tektronix!gvgpsa!davew

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