Dropping DSR under 3.0

115800@David C. Kovar kovar at popvax.harvard.edu
Fri Jul 21 05:55:05 AEST 1989

  We've upgraded one 8200 to version 3.0 and our Emulex board stopped
dropping the DSR lines to our Micom, leaving them hanging 'til they
time out. A DEC consultant claims that 3.0 checks to see if the card
is a DEC card. If not, it doesn't do anything with DSR. Has anyone
else experienced this and, if so, do you have any suggested fixes 
for it? TIA.

-David C. Kovar
	Technical Consultant			ARPA: kovar at popvax.harvard.edu
	Office of Information Technology	BITNET: corwin at harvarda.bitnet
	Harvard University			MacNET: DKovar
						Ma Bell: 617-732-1778

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