getty wierdness on 11/750 Ultrix 2.2

Leeland Heins heins at
Thu Jul 27 16:25:59 AEST 1989

In article <55810 at> Ethan R Dicks <erd at> writes:
>The hardware is: VAX-11/750 with 6 Mb, no FFP, 1 DMF-32, 2 Emulex CS-21
>boards (no hitch when the machine is VMSing)

   Which version of the CS21 do you have?  We are using the CS21/F, which
emulates two DEC DMF32's.  Other versions of the card emulate DH11's or DZ11's,
neither of which have I tested.  We have been using one CS21/F in a VAX-11/730
and one in a VAX 8250.  Make sure you have the newest revision firmware if you
are running them with Ultrix (current revision is K as far as I know --  some of
the more recent fixes in the firmware were specifically for *IX accoring to
Emulex tech support).  We used the CS21/F with Ultrix 2.0 for a while on our
8250 before we upgraded it to 4.3BSD-Tahoe.

>Is this a known problem?  I could not find any reference to this in the
>Ultrix system dispatch index.  Is this an SPR-able event, or could I
>have something set wrong.  I followed the manual explictly on how to
>set up the /etc/ttys file; the entry for the VT100 console is identical
>to the ones for the other ports.

   Make sure your gettytab entries are correct, this could be a handshaking
problem...  also you may want to add 'stty tandem' to people's .login files.

>Ethan R. Dicks       | ######  This signifies that the poster is a member in
>Software Results Corp|   ##    good sitting of Inertia House: Bodies at rest.
>940 Freeway Drive N. |   ##
>Columbus OH    43229 | ######  "You get it, you're closer."

  //|||\\   "Attack of the killer 	Lee Heins, EXNET Programmer
 //-O-O-\\   mutant techno-hippies	Iowa State U. Extension
 ||  v  ||   from Hell"			heins at
 || === ||				...!hplabs!hp-lsd!atanasoff!heins
 || --- ||
/// `|' \\\				Disclaimer: I speak for myself only.

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