ultrix 3.1

Chris Siebenmann cks at white.toronto.edu
Fri Jul 28 07:07:09 AEST 1989

don at edison.UUCP (Don Kossman) writes:
| anyone out there gotten 3.1 on tk50?  9-track?

 Our 3.1 upgrade (which came with our UWS 2.0 stuff for our new
DECStation 3100s) came on a TK50 tape. Maybe they gave priority to new
machines for some reason (we also got a server upgrade tape to let
Vaxen serve DS3100's, so I assume the 3.1 tape isn't essential for
DS3100 customers).

| also, what is the format of the 3.1 tape- if i
| get a 9-track tape, can i easily copy it to a tk-50?
| (my ris server isn't the one with the 9-track drive...)

 The Vax tape has 3 almost-empty tar archives, one normal tar archive,
and then 17 compressed tar archives. Should be fairly easy to copy
with dd and a script.

 Which brings up a question: can someone mail me a list of what the
3.1 upgrade fixes (should anyone have such a list)? Our 3.1 upgrade
came with zero instructions or documentation, and I'd like to find out
what it fixed and how to install it.

[There's no list on the tape itself; I checked. That's how I found out
 what all the tape files were :-).]
	"I shall clasp my hands together and bow to the corners of the world."
			Number Ten Ox, "Bridge of Birds"
Chris Siebenmann		...!utgpu!{ncrcan,ontmoh!moore}!ziebmef!cks
cks at white.toronto.edu	     or ...!utgpu!{,csri!}cks

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