Smoking Decstation 3100's

Patrick Barta patr at osiris.UUCP
Tue Jul 11 11:04:21 AEST 1989

	Mike Marshall, hubcap at, writes about his new Decstation 3100:

>After I got the OS installed, everything was great. For about two hours.
>Then something in the system unit fried. I'm starting to think that maybe
>I'm not well suited to using modern electronic equipment... maybe I should
>just dig out that old Silent-700 and use it for a terminal :-).

	Our new Decstation also smoked itself after 3 days.  The power
supply was replaced ( 2 day wait for parts), then the system board
(3 day wait for parts) and then even after that the machine was still
flaky (10 days, thought to be fried backplane) and after much ranting and raving
we got DEC to promise to give us a new machine.

	Does anybody know if something's wrong with DEC's QA on this
new machine?

                              ...!decvax!decuac -
Patrick Barta                                     \
The Johns Hopkins Hospital    ...!seismo!mimsy  - -> !aplcen!osiris!patr
Baltimore, MD                                     /
                              ...!allegra!mimsy -

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