dump on old 1.2 Ultrix...

Chuck Karish karish at forel.stanford.edu
Mon Jul 31 01:59:01 AEST 1989

In article <412 at wuee1.wustl.edu> tjs at wuee1.wustl.edu.UUCP (tom sullivan) wrote:
>we're still running old Ultrix 1.2 on our uVAX-II/GPX.

>is there an optimal setting (density, lenght, blocking factor, etc.)
>to do dumps onto a TK50 drive. as it is, it takes over 6 hours to perform
>a level 0 dump of an 80 Meg partition.

As George Robbins points out, dump accepts the `-b' flag.  The maximum
value for this flag is 126, as in 126 blocks or 63K.  This works for
tar, too, and speeds up the TK50 a lot.  I don't know whether values
between 20 (the documented maximum for tar) and 126 work.  Don't forget
to specify `-b 126' when you restore an archive.

	Chuck Karish		{decwrl,hpda}!mindcrf!karish
	(415) 493-9000		karish at forel.stanford.edu

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