Huh? What's going on here?

Montana State mtsu at
Tue Jul 25 15:43:53 AEST 1989

In article <2917 at> mtsu at blake.UUCP (Montana State) writes:
>Huh?  What's going on here?  I'm trying to set the shell variable x to
>the contents of the file /tmp/x, here's a script.
>mVAX II, Ultrix 2.3, /bin/csh
>Script started on Mon Jul 24 03:13:58 1989
>caesar # set
>argv	()
>cwd	/user1/local/src/libg++/tests
>history	200
>home	/
>notify	^G

Arrrgh!  I can't believe I did something this stupid!  That's what I get for
aliasing ls to ls -F .  That's what was aggravating, log into a different
account and it works beautifully.

For penance I shall eat section 1 of the manual set, with an extra copy of
csh(1) thrown in for good measure.

Dumb Dumb Dumb

Thanx for the help.

Jaye Mathisen
icsu6000 at

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