Troff (finally) working on DECstations

Steve D. Miller steve at
Wed Jul 19 05:49:47 AEST 1989

   Sure, you can hack troff to read COFF or ASCII format tables, if that's
what you'd prefer.  For my purposes, I'd rather work with the a.out format
tables; some of the software I have to deal with spits out a.out-format
files without doing any compilation, and it just seems more backward-
compatible to me.  No big deal either way.  Hacking troff to read a.out,
COFF, and ASCII formats would also not be too hard (assuming that you know
what the ASCII format looks like...)

   By the way, what do the DWB 2.0 font width tables look like?  I'd guess
that's the format that the DEC-distributed troff uses.


Spoken: Steve Miller    Domain: steve at    UUCP: uunet!mimsy!steve
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