Patches for building X11R3 on DECstation 3100's

Jim Gettys jg at
Fri Jul 21 01:10:03 AEST 1989

Unless you are doing server hacking, you should use our server; it
is R3 based, and very fast, with additional window performance work
done by Joel McCormack which will appear in R4 (his work was given
back to MIT, and Bob Scheifler and Kieth Packard have done equal
amounts of additional work); R4 is going to be VERY nice for this and
other reasons.

Make sure you are running Ultrix 3.1; the
color frame buffer server is much better than in Ultrix 3.0 (if you are
running 3.0, use Xcfb2 in the unsupported part of the distribution).

The stuff to run mfb and cfb servers will be in R4, but our ddx code is much
faster than what MIT has right now.

Here is what I sent out months ago:

Well, as usual, procrastination catches up to me; people have begun bothering
me for the promised changes to build the X distribution on PMAX, so 
some machines must actually be getting to customers these days.

Here, belatedly, are the promised two files I changed to make the X11R3 
distribution compile on a PMAX (aka DECstation 3100).  This are a bit 
disgusting at the moment, and should get cleaned up for R4.  The basic 
problem is that R3 has #ifdef mips in it which are really changes for UMIPS 
(Mips Computer Systems Unix), not for mips architecture at all; fortunately,
it is possible to sidestep this, though it sure would be nice if UMIPS
had a define to make this clear.  For example, bcopy on UMIPS does not
work "correctly" if you have overlapping buffers; it does on Ultrix
(MIPS's interpretation of the spec is allowable, but it does make some
code break that runs on most other people's machines, so we chose to
make Ultrix bcopy work correctly on overlapping buffers).  I understand
that SGI is having similar problems with the current ifdef's, and hopefully
all of us MIPS users can get this straightened out over the next few months.

Since Ultrix on the mips architecture is little endian, and the defines
added for R3 all check for big endian byte order, we can fool things
without much trouble (SGI must be having more grief than we are).
At the moment, I have things set up to include a Max.macros file
which only differs from a Vax.macros files in that it doesn't
build VAX servers.  You will want to run our servers on the DECstation 3100
in any case, as they are much faster than the sample server from MIT, and
they are based on the R3 server in any case.   The clients are mostly
also R3 based, but if you are tracking bugs you might want to run MIT

No changes are required in any clients in the core distribution.  The
entire core should compile and run without error.  You will have more
work to do if you play with contrib, but as usual, you are on your
own there.

As this whole area is being reworked for R4, making things more graceful
at the moment does not seem worthwhile.

As usual, play with the appropriate ConnectionFlags to suite your taste.
For convenience, I include both diffs and the entire files.
				Jim Gettys
				Digital Equipment Corporation
				Cambridge Research Lab.
RCS file: RCS/Imake.tmpl,v
retrieving revision 1.1
diff -c -r1.1 Imake.tmpl
*** /tmp/,RCSt1a06752   Tue Jan 31 16:47:43 1989
--- Imake.tmpl  Tue Jan 31 11:39:08 1989
*** 97,102 ****
--- 97,103 ----
  #define CrayArchitecture
  #endif /* CRAY */

+ #ifndef ultrix
  #ifdef mips
  #define MacroIncludeFile "Mips.macros"
  #define MacroFile Mips.macros
*** 103,108 ****
--- 104,118 ----
  #undef mips
  #define MipsArchitecture
  #endif /* mips */
+ #else
+ #ifdef mips
+ #define MacroIncludeFile "Max.macros"
+ #define MacroFile Max.macros
+ #undef mips
+ #define MipsArchitecture
+ #endif
+ #endif
*** Max.macros  Tue Jan 31 11:39:13 1989
--- Vax.macros  Sat Jan 21 22:17:36 1989
*** 20,26 ****
--- 20,32 ----
             MAKE = make

+ /* These define the server(s) you want */
+ #define XqvssServer Xqvss
+ #define XqdssServer Xqdss
  /* define this as you like for normal library compilation */
  #define LibraryDefines

*** 33,44 ****
  /* -DUNIXCONN allows Unix domain connections */
  /* -DDNETCONN allows DECnet connections */

! #define ConnectionFlags               -DTCPCONN -DUNIXCONN

   * override any parameters from site.def
  #define ExpandManNames                YES     /* expand Xlib man page filename
s */
! #define BuildServer NO

--- 39,52 ----
  /* -DUNIXCONN allows Unix domain connections */
  /* -DDNETCONN allows DECnet connections */

! #define ConnectionFlags               -DTCPCONN -DUNIXCONN -DDNETCONN

   * override any parameters from site.def
+ #define UnalignedReferencesAllowed YES        /* if arbitrary deref is okay */
  #define ExpandManNames                YES     /* expand Xlib man page filename
s */
/**/# X Window System Makefile generated from template file Imake.tmpl
/**/# $XConsortium: Imake.tmpl,v 1.91 88/10/23 22:37:10 jim Exp $
/**/# Do not change the body of the imake template file.  Server-specific
/**/# parameters may be set in the appropriate .macros file; site-specific
/**/# parameters (but shared by all servers) may be set in site.def.  If you
/**/# make any changes, you'll need to rebuild the makefiles using
/**/# "make World" (at best) or "make Makefile; make Makefiles" (at least) in
/**/# the top level directory.
/**/# If your C preprocessor doesn't define any unique symbols, you'll need
/**/# to set BOOTSTRAPCFLAGS when rebuilding imake (usually when doing
/**/# "make Makefile", "make Makefiles", or "make World").
/**/# If you absolutely can't get imake to work, you'll need to set the 
/**/# variables at the top of each Makefile as well as the dependencies at the
/**/# bottom (makedepend will do this automatically).

#define	YES	1
#define NO	0

 * Get system-specific macros files. If your cpp doesn't define any 
 * platform-specific symbols, you will have to add one the cpp_argv table 
 * in ../imake/imake.c and then rebuild imake with the appropriate 
 * BOOTSTRAPCFLAGS variable set.  Then, undefine the symbols so that 
 * Imakefiles will only use symbols defined here.  This makes adding platforms
 * that use the same hardware or operating system easier to sort out.

#ifdef ibm032
#define MacroIncludeFile "Rt.macros"
#define MacroFile Rt.macros
#undef ibm032
#define RtArchitecture
#endif /* ibm032 */

#ifdef vax
#define MacroIncludeFile "Vax.macros"
#define MacroFile Vax.macros
#undef vax
#define VaxArchitecture
#endif /* vax */

#ifdef sun
#define MacroIncludeFile "Sun.macros"
#define MacroFile Sun.macros
#undef sun
#define SunArchitecture
#endif /* sun */

#ifdef hpux
#define MacroIncludeFile "hpux.macros"
#define MacroFile hpux.macros
#undef hpux
#define HPArchitecture
#endif /* hpux */

#ifdef apollo
#define MacroIncludeFile "Apllo.macros"
#define MacroFile Apllo.macros
#undef apollo
#define ApolloArchitecture
#endif /* apollo */

#ifdef M4310
#define MacroIncludeFile "Pegasus.macros"
#define MacroFile Pegasus.macros
#undef M4310
#define PegasusArchitecture
#endif /* M4310 */

#ifdef M4330
#define MacroIncludeFile "M4330.macros"
#define MacroFile M4330.macros
#undef  M4330
#define M4330Architecture
#endif /* M4330 */

#ifdef macII
/* A/UX cpp has no unique symbol:  build imake with BOOTSTRAPCFLAGS=-DmacII */
#define MacroIncludeFile "MacII.macros"
#define MacroFile MacII.macros
#undef  macII
#define MacIIArchitecture
#endif /* macII */

#ifdef CRAY
#define MacroIncludeFile "cray.macros"
#define MacroFile cray.macros
#undef CRAY
#undef cray
#define CrayArchitecture
#endif /* CRAY */

#ifndef ultrix
#ifdef mips
#define MacroIncludeFile "Mips.macros"
#define MacroFile Mips.macros
#undef mips
#define MipsArchitecture
#endif /* mips */
#ifdef mips
#define MacroIncludeFile "Max.macros"
#define MacroFile Max.macros
#undef mips
#define MipsArchitecture

#ifndef MacroIncludeFile
/**/# WARNING:  Imake.tmpl not configured; guessing at definitions!!!
/**/# This might mean that BOOTSTRAPCFLAGS wasn't set when building imake.
#define MacroIncludeFile "Guess.macros"
#define MacroFile Guess.macros

 *                                                                           *
 *                       DO NOT MODIFY BELOW THIS LINE                       *
 *                                                                           *

/**/# platform-specific configuration parameters - edit MacroFile to change
#include MacroIncludeFile

/**/# site-specific configuration parameters - edit site.def to change
#include "site.def"

 *                                                                           *
 *			      DEFAULT DEFINITONS                             *
 *                                                                           *
 * The following section contains defaults for things that can be overridden *
 * in the various .macros files and site.def.  DO NOT EDIT!                  *
 *                                                                           *

#ifndef SystemV
#define SystemV			NO	/* need system 5 style */
#ifndef BuildServer
#define BuildServer		YES	/* go ahead and build server */
#ifndef UnalignedReferencesAllowed
#define UnalignedReferencesAllowed NO	/* if arbitrary deref is okay */
#ifndef BourneShell			/* to force shell in makefile */
#define BourneShell		/bin/sh
#ifndef InstallxinitConfig
#define InstallxinitConfig	NO	/* install sample xinit config */
#ifndef InstallxdmConfig
#define InstallxdmConfig	NO	/* install sample xdm config */
#ifndef InstallAppDefFiles
#define InstallAppDefFiles	YES	/* install application defaults */
#ifndef ExpandManNames
#define ExpandManNames		NO	/* expand Xlib man page filenames */
#ifndef DebugLibX
#define DebugLibX		NO	/* debugged X library */
#ifndef DebugLibXArchive
#define DebugLibXArchive	NO	/* archive file of above */
#ifndef ProfileLibX
#define ProfileLibX		NO	/* profiled X library */
#ifndef ProfileLibXArchive
#define ProfileLibXArchive	NO	/* archive file of above */
#ifndef DebugOldLibX
#define DebugOldLibX		NO	/* debugged old X library */
#ifndef ProfileOldLibX
#define ProfileOldLibX		NO	/* profiled old X library */
#ifndef DebugLibXt
#define DebugLibXt		NO	/* debugged toolkit library */
#ifndef ProfileLibXt
#define ProfileLibXt		NO	/* profiled toolkit library */
#ifndef DebugLibXaw
#define DebugLibXaw		NO	/* debugged widget library */
#ifndef ProfileLibXaw
#define ProfileLibXaw		NO	/* profiled widget library */
#ifndef DebugLibXext
#define DebugLibXext		NO	/* debugged Xext library */
#ifndef ProfileLibXext
#define ProfileLibXext		NO	/* profiled Xext library */
#ifndef DebugLibXmu
#define DebugLibXmu		NO	/* debugged Xmu library */
#ifndef ProfileLibXmu
#define ProfileLibXmu		NO	/* profiled Xmu library */
#ifndef ManDirectoryRoot
#define ManDirectoryRoot /usr/man		/* if not set in .macros */
#ifndef ManSuffix
#define ManSuffix	n		/* use just one tab or cpp will die */
#ifndef LibManSuffix
#define LibManSuffix	3		/* use just one tab or cpp will die */
#ifndef ExtensionDefines
#define ExtensionDefines /* as nothing or perhaps -DZOID -DBEZIER */
#define UNCOMPRESSPATH /usr/ucb/uncompress
#define SHELLPATH -DSHELLPATH=\"/bin/sh\"
#ifndef PrimaryScreenResolution
#define PrimaryScreenResolution 72		/* a common resolution */
#ifndef DefaultFontPath
#if PrimaryScreenResolution < 88		/* (75 + 100) / 2 */
#define DefaultFontPath $(FONTDIR)/misc/,$(FONTDIR)/75dpi/,$(FONTDIR)/100dpi/
#define DefaultFontPath $(FONTDIR)/misc/,$(FONTDIR)/100dpi/,$(FONTDIR)/75dpi/
#ifndef DefaultRGBDatabase
#define DefaultRGBDatabase $(LIBDIR)/rgb
#ifndef FontCompilerFlags
#define FontCompilerFlags -t
#ifndef OptimizedCDebugFlags
#define OptimizedCDebugFlags -O
#ifndef DebuggableCDebugFlags
#define DebuggableCDebugFlags -g
#ifndef NoOpCDebugFlags
#define NoOpCDebugFlags /* as nothing */
#ifndef DefaultCDebugFlags
#define DefaultCDebugFlags OptimizedCDebugFlags
#ifndef LibraryCDebugFlags
#define LibraryCDebugFlags OptimizedCDebugFlags
#ifndef ServerCDebugFlags
#define ServerCDebugFlags OptimizedCDebugFlags
#ifndef CppSourcesPresent
#define CppSourcesPresent	NO	/* only works with BSD sources */
#ifndef CppSources
#define CppSources /usr/src/lib/cpp
#ifndef ConstructMFLAGS
#if SystemV
#define ConstructMFLAGS		YES	/* build MFLAGS from MAKEFLAGS */
#define ConstructMFLAGS		NO	/* build MFLAGS from MAKEFLAGS */
#ifndef DestDir
#define DestDir /* as nothing */
#ifndef UsrLibDir
#define UsrLibDir $(DESTDIR)/usr/lib
#ifndef BinDir
#define BinDir $(DESTDIR)/usr/bin/X11
#ifndef IncDir
#define IncDir $(DESTDIR)/usr/include/X11
#ifndef AdmDir
#define AdmDir $(DESTDIR)/usr/adm
#ifndef LibDir
#define LibDir $(USRLIBDIR)/X11
#ifndef LintlibDir
#define LintlibDir $(USRLIBDIR)/lint
#ifndef FontDir
#define FontDir $(LIBDIR)/fonts
#ifndef XinitDir
#define XinitDir $(LIBDIR)/xinit
#ifndef XdmDir
#define XdmDir $(LIBDIR)/xdm
#ifndef XdmConfigurationSubdirectory		/* under xdm sources */
#define XdmConfigurationSubdirectory config/default
#ifndef UwmDir
#define UwmDir $(LIBDIR)/uwm
#ifndef AwmDir
#define AwmDir $(LIBDIR)/awm
#ifndef TwmDir
#define TwmDir $(LIBDIR)/twm
#ifndef ManPath
#define ManPath $(DESTDIR)/**/ManDirectoryRoot
#ifndef ManSourcePath
#define ManSourcePath $(MANPATH)/man
#ifndef ManDir
#define ManDir $(MANSOURCEPATH)/**/ManSuffix
#ifndef LibmanDir
#define LibmanDir $(MANSOURCEPATH)/**/LibManSuffix
#ifndef XAppLoadDir
#define XAppLoadDir $(LIBDIR)/app-defaults
#ifndef InstBinFlags
#define InstBinFlags -m 0755
#ifndef InstUidFlags
#define InstUidFlags -m 4755
#ifndef InstLibFlags
#define InstLibFlags -m 0664
#ifndef InstIncFlags
#define InstIncFlags -m 0444
#ifndef InstManFlags
#define InstManFlags -m 0444
#ifndef InstAppFlags
#define InstAppFlags -m 0444
#ifndef InstKmemFlags
#define InstKmemFlags InstUidFlags    /* put -g kmem -m 2755 in site.def... */
#ifndef BandAidLibraryNeeded
#define BandAidLibraryNeeded NO		/* for getting right stuff into Xlib */
#ifndef OsNameDefines
#define OsNameDefines /* as nothing */
#ifndef DefaultUserPath			/* for xdm */
#define DefaultUserPath :/bin:/usr/bin:$(BINDIR):/usr/ucb
#ifndef DefaultSystemPath		/* for xdm */
#define DefaultSystemPath /etc:/bin:/usr/bin:$(BINDIR):/usr/ucb
#ifndef DefaultSystemShell		/* for xdm to set in SHELL */
#define DefaultSystemShell BourneShell

/**/# definitions common to all Makefiles - do not edit


          SHELL = BourneShell
#if ConstructMFLAGS
         MFLAGS = -$(MAKEFLAGS)

 * This list must be reflected in the DIRS_TO_BUILD list in the top-level
 * Makefile.
        DESTDIR = DestDir		/* root of install */
      USRLIBDIR = UsrLibDir		/* libraries */
         BINDIR = BinDir		/* programs */
         INCDIR = IncDir		/* header files */
         ADMDIR = AdmDir		/* server log files */
         LIBDIR = LibDir		/* rgb, XErrorDB, etc. */
     LINTLIBDIR = LintlibDir		/* lint libraries */
        FONTDIR = FontDir		/* font directories */
       XINITDIR = XinitDir		/* xinit config files */
         XDMDIR = XdmDir		/* xdm config files */
         UWMDIR = UwmDir		/* uwm config files */
         AWMDIR = AwmDir		/* awm config files */
         TWMDIR = TwmDir		/* twm config files */
        MANPATH = ManPath		/* top of manual page tree */
  MANSOURCEPATH = ManSourcePath		/* prefix for man page sources */
         MANDIR = ManDir		/* man pages for commands */
      LIBMANDIR = LibmanDir		/* man pages for library routines */
    XAPPLOADDIR = XAppLoadDir		/* application default resources */

   INSTBINFLAGS = InstBinFlags		/* install flags for programs */
   INSTUIDFLAGS = InstUidFlags		/* install flags for setuid programs */
   INSTLIBFLAGS = InstLibFlags		/* install flags for libraries */
   INSTINCFLAGS = InstIncFlags		/* install flags for headers */
   INSTMANFLAGS = InstManFlags		/* install flags for man pages */
   INSTAPPFLAGS = InstAppFlags		/* install flags for app defaults */
  INSTKMEMFLAGS = InstKmemFlags		/* install flags for /dev/kmem progs */
        FCFLAGS = FontCompilerFlags
    CDEBUGFLAGS = DefaultCDebugFlags

        PATHSEP = /
         DEPEND = $(DEPENDSRC)/makedepend
          IMAKE = $(IMAKESRC)/imake
            RGB = $(RGBSRC)/rgb
             FC = $(BDFTOSNFSRC)/bdftosnf
      MKFONTDIR = $(MKFONTDIRSRC)/mkfontdir

            TOP = TOPDIR
      CLIENTSRC = $(TOP)/clients
        DEMOSRC = $(TOP)/demos
         LIBSRC = $(TOP)/lib
        FONTSRC = $(TOP)/fonts
     INCLUDESRC = $(TOP)/X11
      SERVERSRC = $(TOP)/server
        UTILSRC = $(TOP)/util
     SCRIPTSSRC = $(UTILSRC)/scripts
     EXAMPLESRC = $(TOP)/examples
     CONTRIBSRC = $(TOP)/contrib
         DOCSRC = $(TOP)/doc
         RGBSRC = $(TOP)/rgb
      DEPENDSRC = $(UTILSRC)/makedepend
       IMAKESRC = $(UTILSRC)/imake
       IRULESRC = $(UTILSRC)/imake.includes
        XLIBSRC = $(LIBSRC)/X
         XMUSRC = $(LIBSRC)/Xmu
    BDFTOSNFSRC = $(FONTSRC)/bdftosnf
   MKFONTDIRSRC = $(FONTSRC)/mkfontdir
   EXTENSIONSRC = $(TOP)/extensions
           XLIB = $(XLIBSRC)/libX11.a
         XMULIB = $(XMUSRC)/libXmu.a
        OLDXLIB = $(OLDXLIBSRC)/liboldX.a
       XTOOLLIB = $(TOOLKITSRC)/libXt.a
         XAWLIB = $(AWIDGETSRC)/libXaw.a
       LINTXLIB = $(XLIBSRC)/llib-lX11.ln
        LINTXMU = $(XMUSRC)/llib-lXmu.ln
      LINTXTOOL = $(TOOLKITSRC)/llib-lXt.ln
        LINTXAW = $(AWIDGETSRC)/llib-lXaw.ln
       INCLUDES = -I$(TOP)
      MACROFILE = MacroFile
   ICONFIGFILES = $(IRULESRC)/Imake.tmpl \
  IMAKE_DEFINES = /* leave blank, for command line use only */
      IMAKE_CMD = $(NEWTOP)$(IMAKE) -TImake.tmpl -I$(NEWTOP)$(IRULESRC) \
			-s Makefile $(IMAKE_DEFINES)
         RM_CMD = $(RM) *.CKP *.ln *.BAK *.bak *.o core errs ,* *~ *.a \
			.emacs_* tags TAGS make.log MakeOut

#include "Imake.rules"

/**/# start of Imakefile

/**/# Imake.tmpl common rules for all Makefiles - do not edit
 * These need to be here so that rules in Imakefile occur first;  the blank
 * all is to make sure that an empty Imakefile doesn't default to make clean.


#ifdef IHaveSubdirs

/**/# rules for building in SUBDIRS - do not edit



/**/# empty rules for directories that do not have SUBDIRS - do not edit

	@echo "install done"
	@echo " done"


#endif /* if subdirectory rules are needed */

/**/# dependencies generated by makedepend

/**/# platform:  $XConsortium: Vax.macros,v 1.49 88/10/23 11:01:02 jim Exp $

             AS = as
             CC = cc
            CPP = /lib/cpp
             LD = ld
           LINT = lint
        INSTALL = install
           TAGS = ctags
             RM = rm -f
             MV = mv
             LN = ln -s
         RANLIB = ranlib
             AR = ar clq
             LS = ls
       LINTOPTS = -axz
           MAKE = make

/* define this as you like for normal library compilation */
#define LibraryDefines

/* define this as you like for server compilation */
#define ServerDefines /* as nothing */
/* define this as you like for server font support */

/* -DTCPCONN allows TCP connections */
/* -DUNIXCONN allows Unix domain connections */
/* -DDNETCONN allows DECnet connections */

#define ConnectionFlags		-DTCPCONN -DUNIXCONN

 * override any parameters from site.def
#define ExpandManNames		YES	/* expand Xlib man page filenames */
#define BuildServer NO

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