Anyone have a DECstation 5810 or 5820?

Bill Elgie elgie at canisius.UUCP
Mon Oct 16 00:54:52 AEST 1989

In article <8190 at cbmvax.UUCP>, grr at cbmvax.UUCP (George Robbins) writes:
> In article <11917 at> idallen at (Ian! D. Allen [CGL]) writes:
> > Anyone have stories about the 5810 or 5820 they want to share?
> > We were originally thinking of getting two DS5400's, but the low disk
> > bandwidth of the 5400's would probably upset us.

  I don't know how far you took your calculations, but the difference in price
  between a full-blown 5400 and an equivalent 5810 is somewhat less than a 2nd
> The 5400 has a fair amount of bandwidth, but loses cause it has a limit
> on the number of drives you can attach and there is *no* way to attach
> a real tape drive!  (TA/TU78).
  The 5400 does have a "fair amount of bandwith", but really only a fraction of
  what is theoretically available on the 5810 (an internal BI "segment" on the
  main cpu board vs. XMI).

  greg pavlov (under borrowed account), fstrf, amherst, ny

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