/etc/disktab entry seems weird

Esther Filderman ef1c+ at andrew.cmu.edu
Sat Dec 22 17:04:47 AEST 1990

This reminds me of the possible problem that I am seeing on our rz57s
which live on a Decstation 5000/200.  The disktab entry says that the size
of pc should be 2025788, but chpt -q says something totally different. [I
don't have the exact number here, but it's something like 195xxxx.]  When
I called for software support I was first told that it was the way that
the operating system was installed [ultrix 3.1d had been copied from a
Decstation 3100] and that this confused the machine, and that I should
reload software.  So instead we installed Ultrix 4.1 from tk50 and
voila, chpt and the disktab still don't match.

Am I incorrect in thinking that they should?  They do for every other drive
on every other system I have, including Vaxstation 3100 with rz23, Decstation
3100 with rz24, vax 3200 with ra82, vax 6410 with ra90, from Ultrix 3.0 [vax]
to Ultrix 4.1 [vax and risc].  Could there be incorrect disktabs out there?
Has anyone else seen similar things with rz57s?



Esther C. Filderman     ef1c+ at andrew.cmu.edu
System Manager          Computing Services
Mercury Project         Carnegie Mellon University
        They are gardeners and carpenters.
        They are not tomato men.

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