Need help with DEC WINDOWS on DEC 3100 stations

Ian! D. Allen [CGL] idallen at
Fri May 4 01:31:07 AEST 1990

>The problem is that whenever a person tries to log into the
>client stations the DecWindows accepts the login and the password
>and then seems to time out and return the login prompt. After
>several tries (random number but usaly more than 5-6 tries)
>it eventualy will allow a person to log into the system.

I had this problem running DECwindows on a vs2000 with not much
memory.  The code for /bin/login is broken.  The source we have shows
someone put a setbuffer() call in the wrong place, causing the passwd
to be read into a buffer that is then thrown away if the timing is
right, which it seems to be on slow machines.  Try this: type the login
name, and then type the <CR> and the passwd and <CR> as fast as you can. 
If you get it done inside of the time allowed by an alarm(1) call (up to
1 second), you'll get on.  My 3.1 source isn't on-line at the moment, so
I can't be more specific about the problem.
-IAN! (Ian! D. Allen) idallen at idallen at
 []  Computer Graphics Lab/University of Waterloo/Ontario/Canada

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