CD ROM Blues
Shawn Mamros
mamros at
Thu Nov 8 09:06:40 AEST 1990
In article <4811 at spdcc.SPDCC.COM>, jls2 at spdcc.COM (Jeff Stoner) writes:
|> I have received an RRD40 CD ROM drive on loan and want to set it up [...]
|> 1) What device name do I need to create for it? What exact command
|> does that?
Assuming that you've cabled it to the SCSI bus at SCSI unit N (0 <= N <= 5):
# cd /dev
just as you would with any other SCSI disk drive.
|> 2) What exact mount command do I use to put it on the system?
|> Someone I'm working with just received the same drive the same
|> way and cannot successfully mount the CD ROM.
You need to mount it read-only with the "-r" switch on mount:
# mount -r /dev/rzNc (wherever)
(Otherwise, mount complains about a "Restricted operation on file system".)
|> 3) Does the Ultrix driver read ISO 9660 standard disks? [...]
I'm afraid I don't know the answer to that one (never tried it myself...)
|> Thanks for any help you can offer!
No problem...
-Shawn Mamros
E-mail to: mamros at
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