Trying to connect VT1200 -- font problems!
Ron Baxter
ronb at syd.dms.CSIRO.AU
Thu Nov 29 17:14:48 AEST 1990
We have DECstations and Suns all running X11R4 clients.
We also have NCD and Visual X terminals operating without
problems. But when we attach a VT1200 we cannot
find any way to access fonts other than those built into
the VT1200. Some clients just complain with warnings and
then operate acceptably, while other clients (that are
important to us) refuse to operate if they cannot find
their fonts. We are using ULTRIX 3.1 at the moment, and
could move to ULTRIX 4.0 if this would help.
Is there a way around this? Are VT1200's working OK?
Sorry if this has been discussed before.
____ ____ Ron Baxter, CSIRO Div Maths & Stats,
| } /\ |\ | | } PO Box 218, Lindfield, NSW, Australia 2070.
|-< { }|\\| |-< Phone: +61 2 413 7059 Fax: +61 2 416 9317
| \ \/ | \| _|__} Email: ronb at
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