SCSI Drives for a DECSystem 3100 -- suggestions?
Greg Pavlov
pavlov at canisius.UUCP
Sun Nov 18 16:23:08 AEST 1990
In article <1816loganj at>, loganj at writes:
> We have two DS3100's booting from 600 MB HP (HP97548) drives and two other
> DS3100's booting from 1.2 GB HP (HP97549) drives......
> it's more difficult to install Ultrix on these drives since Dec's installation
> process doesn't recognize the drives:
...and they are (supposedly) impossible to use as boot disks under version 4
ULTRIX. HP (factory/engineer/salestypes at HP's primary disk facilities
in Boise, Idaho) promise that a prom upgrade will be released soon that
will provide relief.
> We obtained the 600 MB HP97548 drives for $2835 and the 1.2GB HP97549 for
> $3735 from Anthem Electronics of Salt Lake City, phone (801) 973-8555.
The 660MB drives can be purchased for several hundred less (complete with
box, cable, et al) from Applied Digital or MaxComp computers in Rochester,
- Applied Digital also will add (for extra cost) an externally-accessible
SCSI "address" set. It's a thumbwheel switch; very useful, keeps one from
having to open the box and playing with jumpers.
greg pavlov, fstrf, amherst, ny
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