Fuji SCSI drives
Steinar Kj{rnsr|d
steinar at ifi.uio.no
Thu Nov 22 03:51:28 AEST 1990
> Is anyone using the Fuji M2266S 1.0 GB SCSI drive on a 3100 or 5000?
> Was it easy? Any jumper changes? What are the disktab parameters?
> Any information would be greatly appreciated.
> Chris
> --
> Christopher Robin Thewalt These opinions are not necessarily
> thewalt at ce.berkeley.edu shared by my employer...
> University of California, Berkeley
We just did this on a 5000/200. The drive mas "manually" formatted and
partitioned based on the vendor supplied characteristic data. It was
painful enough. I don't have the data at hand right know, but can post
them to the net tomorrow or directly to you if you are interested.
You also have to configure- and build a kernel which is able to recognize
the drive, which you you probably know how to do?
Our disk excerciser was able to get 2.1Mb/sec out of the drive when doing
raw reads with big block sizes. Seems to be a good alternative to the RZxx
series of drives.
The above mentioned test has also been run on many other 3d party SCSI disk
connected to the PMAX. Drop me a note if anyone should be interested.
! !
! Steinar Kjaernsroed, !
! Dpt. of Informatics, !
! University of Oslo, !
! P.O.Box 1080, Blindern, !
! 0316, Oslo 3, !
! !
! Phone: 047+2+453460 (work), !
! Email: steinar at ifi.uio.no (Internet) !
! ..!mcsun!ifi!steinar (UUCP) !
! !
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