Farhad Shakeri farhad at CS.Stanford.EDU
Fri Oct 5 10:16:25 AEST 1990

In article <1753 at shodha.enet.dec.com>, alan at shodha.enet.dec.com ( Alan's Home for Wayward Notes File.) writes:
|> In article <1990Oct3.171146.4158 at Neon.Stanford.EDU>, farhad at CS.Stanford.EDU (Farhad Shakeri) writes:
|> }
|> } [ Dump fails with a segmentation fault. ]
|> }
|> 	I have two questions back at you.  Are you using the
|> 	'u' flag to update /etc/dumpdates?  Does the file
|> 	/etc/dumpdates really exist?  If the answer to the
|> 	first question is yes and the second no, create one
|> 	and see if the problem goes away.
|> 	If it does PLEASE, PLEASE submit an SPR.  Bugs like
|> 	this should have disappeared ages ago.
|> }       /   Farhad Shakeri       E-Mail:                     /
|> -- 
|> Alan Rollow				alan at nabeth.enet.dec.com

dump failed in all cases with or without 'u' .

I will submit an SPR, if it helps.

      /   Farhad Shakeri       E-Mail:                     /
     /  Stanford University    farhad at Tehran.Stanford.EDU /
    / Computer Science Dept.                             /

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