too many users

frank at frank at
Tue Apr 23 02:47:33 AEST 1991

In article <8061 at jhunix.HCF.JHU.EDU>, barrett at jhunix.HCF.JHU.EDU (Dan Barrett) writes:
> In article <1991Apr17.105520.1507 at> frank at writes:
>>First you must have a license for more than 8 users.
>>(Type license as root on root to verify.)
> 	When I type "license" as root, I get the answer:
> 		System supports 2 users (the default).
> But this is wrong -- we have an unlimited users license.  (Ultrix 4.0.)
O.K. looks like the RISC and VAXstations have different Ultrixes than "normal"
VAXS. There is, however, a so called license management facility lmf which
handles all kinds of licenses (at leas on our VAX).
Try typing (as root)       lmf list       and see what you get there. I get
something like:
# lmf list
Product                   Status                     Users: Total      Active

ULTRIX                    active                            16         6
DECNET-ULTRIX             active                            unlimited

If this doesn't apply to your system, then you realy must have something else
than we do.

 |                                                                            |
 | _____   __  _____       Robert Frank                                       |
 |   |    /      |         Institut fuer Informatik                           |
 |   |    |      |         University of Basel, Switzerland                   |
 |   |   -+-     |                                                            |
 |   |    |      |         Mittlere Strasse 142                               |
 | __|__  |    __|__       CH-4056 Basel                                      |
 |                                                                            |
 | frank at     tel. + (061) 321 99 67    fax + (061) 321 99 15    |

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