guidelines for installation of MIT X11R4 on DECstation 5000

barry hannigan bgh at ice9.uucp
Tue Apr 23 08:18:28 AEST 1991

i am looking for some pointers on the best method of installing X11R4 on 
a DECstation which already has UWS 4.0 (X11R3). 

points needing mention:

- UWS uses .pcf fonts, X uses .snf, so no font sharing

- DECstations have no "console mode". if the :0 entry is removed from the
  /etc/ttys file, the machine hangs on startup. this is bad news if the X 
  server has any problems.

- the fix for the "illegal lhs" error in ./clients/xterm/main.c

- any code for utilizing the 2d accellerator in a 5000 PX

- a nice template file for imake

thanks in advance. 


~~~~~~~ ..walkin on the beaches, lookin at the peaches

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