lpr from Sun to DEC to lat printer...

Joel Huddleston j1h9453 at aim1.tamu.edu
Sat Apr 13 08:22:34 AEST 1991

In article <1991Apr12.082435 at dlorsc.enet.dec.com> cottrell at dlorsc.enet.dec.com (Ken Cottrell) writes:
>Things seem to be on the verge of working, but I  get a msg on the Sun  saying
>that its waiting 
>for the queue to start on the DEC.
>Ken 214/404-6402


Look in manual page lpd(8) on the ultrix machine.  It describes two
security files one of which must contain the name of the sun 4
machine that you wish to allow print access.  The hosts.equiv is the
more generic file allowing probably more access from the sun than you
would want.  The hosts.lpd file allows ONLY printer access and
nothing more.  See the man pages on either of these two files for

Another possibility is that you need to run lpc but I doubt it.

Hope this helps,

Joel Huddleston  eka j1h9453 at zeus.tamu.edu
     Peace: Not just the absence of war but the absence of fear.
       War: Not just the absence of peace but the absence of cowardice.
Disclaimer: Not just the absence of blame but the absence of repsponsiblilty.

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