ultrix 4.1 ftp doesn't deal with multihomed hosts properly

Ed Vielmetti emv at ox.com
Thu Apr 18 02:43:45 AEST 1991

ultrix 4.1 doesn't deal with hosts that have two addresses in the
right way.  an example should suffice.  poe is a 3100 running ultrix
4.1, leebai is a sun running sunos 4.1.

<emv at poe> telnet csc.ti.com
telnet: connect to address Network is unreachable
Connected to csc.ti.com.
Escape character is '^]'.
melman.ti.com login:
telnet> quit
Connection closed.

<emv at poe> ftp csc.ti.com
ftp: connect: Network is unreachable
ftp> quit

<emv at leebai> ftp csc.ti.com
ftp: connect to address Network is unreachable
Connected to csc.ti.com.
220 melman.ti.com FTP server (Version 4.3 Mon Nov 7 10:54:41 CST 1988) ready.
Name (csc.ti.com:emv): anonymous
331 Guest login ok, send ident as password.
230 Guest login ok, access restrictions apply.
ftp> quit
221 Goodbye.

Fix: buy Suns :-) or get a better ftp client; I suspect that the
recent Berkeley client would do the right thing.

 Msen	Edward Vielmetti
/|---	moderator, comp.archives
	emv at msen.com

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