Those Reader's Comments cards (was Re: vmstat's -v option)

Norman Diamond diamond at
Mon Apr 8 12:01:31 AEST 1991

In article <1991Apr5.173503.16397 at> cks at (Chris Siebenmann) writes:
>Ye Random Person @ DEC writes:
>| 	Please send in an appropriately filled in Reader's Comments
>| 	page from the back of the section.
> Ah yes, the wonderfull boasted-about (certainly is in the 'Read Before
>Installing' thing I just got with RISC Fortran 2.0: "Digital prides
>itself" etc) Reader's Comments form, so lovingly preaddressed and
>postage-paid ... in the US.
> Try again, Digital. 
>[Moral: Small things count.]

How could you afford the phone bill to make that posting?

If you're really desperate, maybe the company could be persuaded to
increase the price of each product by a couple of hundred yen and
attach postage stamps to the Reader's Comments forms at the back of
the manuals before shipping the products.  But I doubt it.
(Personal opinion only.)
Norman Diamond       diamond at
If this were the company's opinion, I wouldn't be allowed to post it.

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