too many users

Frank Wortner frank at
Wed Apr 17 23:38:48 AEST 1991

> This problem must have come up before...  I have a 3100 running 4.0.
> After I log into my machine about 8 times, I get the message "too many
> users: try again later".  I thought the way to make this go away was
> "lmf reset" but it doesn't seem to work.  What should I do?  Is this
> some sort of kernel compile-time constant?  Thanks,

It sounds like you have an eight user license.  If you login, rlogin, telnet,
etc., into your machine eight separate times, that's eight users.  The system
counts the number of logins;  each login is one user.  If you need more than
one terminal session, but don't want to login again, you can fork off xterms
or dxterms with the DISPLAY set back to some X display device.


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